Graduating from high school or college is a monumental achievement, and class rings have long been a cherished way to commemorate that milestone. But what if the years have passed, and you’re now wondering, “Can I order a class ring years later?” The good news is that, in many cases, the answer is YES!
Contact Your School First
If you’re interested in getting an official class ring, the first step is to reach out to your school. Many schools partner with specific vendors for class rings, and those vendors often retain the design details for years. While styles or vendors may have changed over time, your school might still be able to point you in the right direction.
What If It’s Too Late?
You may ask yourself, “Is it too late to get a class ring?” If your school no longer offers the option or you’ve moved on to a different style preference, don’t worry—there are great alternatives available.
At San Jose Jewelers, we offer a variety of custom and preset college rings that can serve as meaningful alternatives. Whether you’re looking for a sleek signet ring or a stylish fan ring representing your alma mater, we’ve got you covered. These rings can be personalized to showcase your school pride in a unique, modern way.
Why Consider Alternatives?
Class rings are timeless, but trends and personal tastes evolve. Many graduates now prefer minimalist designs like signet rings or fan rings that feature university logos or mascots in subtle yet elegant ways. Plus, these alternatives can be just as symbolic and versatile, fitting in with both casual and formal outfits.
Explore our collections of custom and preset college rings to find the perfect ring that reflects your school spirit and personal style—even if it’s been years since you walked across the graduation stage.
It’s Never Too Late to Celebrate
No matter how long since graduation, it’s never too late to honor your accomplishments. Whether you go the traditional route through your school or choose a modern alternative like a fan ring or signet ring, your achievement deserves to be celebrated.
Don’t wait any longer—start the journey to finding the perfect ring today!